Assisted Living
Some individuals may need higher levels of support and more frequently scheduled and unscheduled assistance than home care can provide yet they still do not require the medical monitoring, nursing care or supervision that is provided in a long-term care home. This is where assisted living programs may be the right choice to help maintain your safety and well-being living comfortably in your own home setting.
Those eligible for assisted living services include high-risk seniors, adults with an acquired brain injury or physical disability and those living HIV/AIDS. Services available vary according to need and can include personal care, essential homemaking and an emergency response system.
A comprehensive directory of Assisted Living programs in your area can be found through navigating your local Healthline listed on the right-hand side.
Individuals with a valid Ontario health card who have complex needs that require personal support may be eligible for assisted living services. Our care coordinators can help you identify what assisted living options are available in your community. Your eligibility for assisted living may be assessed by your care coordinator or, in some cases, a referral will be made directly to an assisted living provider to assess your eligibility.
To learn more about Assisted Living, please contact your local branch.